The textbook “Cell Biology” has been created by the composite authors of the department of Biology and General Genetics of the First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) according to Biology course for medical students.
The authors used only up-to-date information on cell biology....
1750 руб.
The textbook “Genetics” has been created by the composite authors of the department of Biology and General Genetics of the First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) according to Biology course for medical students specializing in general medicine, stomatology, etc.
1500 руб.
The textbook “Human Parasitology” is a considerable summing up of all current information concerning medical parasitology.
It contains scientific facts about parasitism as a phenomenon, parasitic protozoa, helminths and arthropods — precursors of the most common human diseases.
The textbook...
1750 руб.
Учебное пособие
В современном богато иллюстрированном и красочном издании собрана основная информация о наиболее распространенных возбудителях паразитарных болезней человека. Кратко и лаконично отображена информация о морфологических особенностях, жизненных циклах, некоторых аспектах эпидемиологии, медицинского...
2100 руб.